September 13, 2018
Campaign eclipses $200 million mark
More than 14,500 donors have contributed so far as Knowledge & Goodness reaches its midpoint milestoneA year ago this weekend, Phillips Academy launched the Knowledge & Goodness Campaign, a multiyear, $400 million initiative. As the campaign’s public phase marks one year, it also notches a significant milestone. Campaign Cochair and Board President Peter Currie ’74, P’03, announced today that gifts and pledges now stand at $200.4 million.
With the support of more than 14,500 donors to date, Andover leaders continue to focus on what they set out to accomplish: sustain need-blind admission, propel an unmatched academic program, and revitalize the campus, among other key priorities.
“The response has been swift and far-reaching. We’ve seen support from alumni, parents, and friends across the U.S. and abroad. We are both humbled and deeply grateful,” said Currie, speaking on behalf of fellow campaign cochairs and trustees Joseph Bae ’90, P’21 and Amy Falls ’82, P’19. “We will continue to share our vision with the global Andover community and hope that the generosity of those who have made gifts will inspire others to join in a way that is meaningful for them.”
Inspired by the campaign’s early returns, Head of School John Palfrey P’21 said that donor support has come in all forms, including endowed funds for teaching and scholarships, unrestricted gifts to the Andover Fund, and support for building projects that match the caliber of a thriving 21st-century program.
The concepts of knowledge and goodness speak to the demands of today’s interconnected, global environment.
”“It is an incredible time to be a student at Andover, and we strive to make it better every day,” Palfrey said, making note of increased funding already available for financial aid and faculty innovation, a new athletics center, a health and wellness center, and a library undergoing renovation. “On behalf of the campus community, I want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has played a role in the planning, execution, and early success of this fundraising effort. We are excited by what is to come and eager to work with the next group of donors who will step up to make new dreams possible for generations of Andover students.”
Andover is a diverse community of 1,150 students from nearly every U.S. state and 44 countries. Faculty are passionate about academic excellence in the traditional sense as they also navigate the forefront of innovation. Knowledge & Goodness, the campaign’s title, draws from the school’s constitution and animates its future.
“The concepts of knowledge and goodness speak to the demands of today’s interconnected, global environment,” said Palfrey. “The campaign aims to fortify Andover’s commitment to prepare students to serve, lead, and problem solve—with intellect and integrity—in an age of rapid change and vast opportunity.”
Launched on September 16, 2017, the Knowledge & Goodness Campaign is the largest philanthropic initiative in independent school history.
Categories: Philanthropy
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